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Italian proverbs

Of two cowards, the one who finds the other out first has the advantage.

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A woman who cries, a man who swears, a horse that sweats, all imposture.

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When there is a fire in the neighbourhood carry water to your own house.

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If young men had wit and old men strength everything might be well done.

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The man who never makes a mistake always takes orders from one who does.

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Every one thinks himself without sin because he has not those of others.

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Greater fools than they of Zago, who dunged the steeple to make it grow.

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He who hunts two hares does not catch the one and lets the other escape.

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Sometimes it is better to give your apple away, than to eat it yourself.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Who wishes for a short Lent let him contract debts to be paid at Easter.

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